Algerian national airline

Algerian national airline The general manager of Algerian airlines, Mohammed Saleh Bolatif, at a forum organised by the Liberty newspaper on Monday stated the company is expanding its activities to regain its position in Algeria\'s air travel industry.
 \"The company will enrich air transport by increasing internal travel, also towards the Gulf, in addition to new destinations like Nigeria and South Africa,\" he said.
The air travel industry in Africa has been hit hard due to the economic crisis
The GM of Algerian airlines said it was important to restore the country\'s leading position in African air travel. \"We will improve our efficiency through building a communications floor in Houari Boumediene international airport.\"
 Bolatif had said earlier that Algerian Airlines will \"move forward in benefiting airline companies investing in long and intermediate travel. The aim of this strategy is restoring the lost market share that currently benefits foreign companies, including French companies\".
Bolatif succeeded Waheed Bouabdellah as company head last July after protests against Algerian Airlines ended with a public strike for airline staff on July 15, which crippled the company.