Dnata, Emirates's cargo service unit

Dnata, Emirates's cargo service unit, expects this summer to be "record-breaking” for Dubai International Airport, as it expects to handle more than 50,000 flights, 20 million passengers and 30 million luggage.

Dnata said that meant it would handle a flight every 80 seconds on average.

It is working to ensure that it has the capacity to meet demand, given that Dubai International overtook London's Heathrow Airport as the world's busiest airport in terms of international passengers last year.

Dnata said that the number of workers needed to turnaround flights differ for different aircraft. A Boeing 737, for example, requires 16 people, while the world's largest passenger airliner, the Airbus A380, requires at least 52 people. Emirates is the world's largest operator of the A380 aircraft.

"In Dubai, we can turnaround a fully loaded aircraft in as little as 60 minutes,” said Jon Conway, a divisional senior vice president at dnata.

Other than its ground handling operations, dnata is responsible for lounge services at Dubai International Airport and Al Maktoum International Airport.

Dnata expects 230,000 travellers to use airport lounges in Dubai airports this summer.

Outside of Dubai, dnata offers ground handling services in 20 airports around the world, serving 250 airports.
Source: The National