Dubai become a main touristic destination for GCC states

Dubai become a main touristic destination for GCC states Dubai has become a main touristic destination for GCC states\' vacationers due to its vast open markets and e-government procedures that serve the public without any unnecessary hassle. A number of GCC citizens visiting Dubai told KUNA that the city has become an interesting place to visit as a result of efforts made by its thoughtful and ambitious leadership.
Visiting Dubai for the second time, Saudi national Aidaroos Al-Mihdhar said that Dubai\'s astonishing infrastructure and open market attracted tourists from all over the globe and especially from the GCC countries.
High-end restaurants and cafes, appropriate prices, and geographic proximity were some of the other attractions that brought people to Dubai, said Al-Midhar.
Mohammed Al-Attas, also a Saudi national, said that this was his first visit to Dubai. He indicated that he was very proud of Dubai\'s development and excellence, considering it one of the major global cities.
Different people from all over the world visit the city or maybe even consider the prospect of settling there, said Al-Attas who indicated that Dubai was an example in terms of co-existence and respect for religions and peoples.
For their parts, Nawaf Al-Shuail and Mathkuor Al-Mathkuor from Kuwait praised the level of the hotels and accommodation in Dubai, saying that people from all walks of life could find a place to stay whether it was a seven star hotel or a modest apartment.
Omani Ryadhi Al-Shamsi said what characterized Dubai was the commitment to law and order, which made visitor and people living there feel comfort and safe.
In Dubai, it would be easy to call taxis and navigate the city but what made a difference in transportation was the establishment of the Dubai Metro, an ambitious project which has led considerably to less traffic on the street, said Al-Shamsi.
Al-Shamsi noted that many families preferred Dubai for its various malls where they could spend long hours shopping, entertain children, or dine at the finest restaurants and cafes.
Tourists could also spend time in open spaces such as parks, beaches, and old markets where they could shop outdoors, he said, adding that various festivals such as the Dubai Shopping Festival and Dubai Summer Festival, as well as the activities at the Global Village were a few of Dubai\'s major tourist attractions.
UAE nationals also provided their humble input on the reason why Dubai was a touristic magnet, Mohammed Al-Muhairi told KUNA that what characterized Dubai was its architectural development and proximity to Gulf States, such facts made the city a popular destination for GCC citizens. Al-Muhairi added visitors to Dubai could also use the city as a base for other trips to nearby Emirates such as Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or Ras Al-Khaimah and other areas, which in turn made Dubai a favorite destination for Gulf countries\' citizens.
Source: KUNA