General view of Dubai city

It is that season again when travel agencies and online booking portals number crunch their 2015 predictions for those who plan on getting a head start into their holiday plans for next year.
Online travel portal,, has issued the 2015 essential destination guide to add to your bucket list for next year's vacation planning and topping this list is none other than Dubai.
The list cites Dubai as an ‘emerging destination that is in fashion'.
The blurb continues: "This city is making tourism one of its motors for growth. Dubai is a city that has seen a massive transformation in very little time, converting itself in one of the most dynamic and modern metropolises of the moment, as a door between the west and the east.”
Interestingly, the other destinations making the cut to feature on this bucket list include four countries, rather than cities, including the African republic of Namibia, followed by Myanmar, Vietnam and Papua New Guinea.
Namibia, which is best known for the Kalahari Desert, is being described as a nation that is making a "concerted effort to protect and maintain its rich biodiversity and offers an extensive, and internationally recognised, number of protected areas that cover approximately 17 per cent of the country”.
Myanmar's strength has been described as a richness of its Buddhist temples that serve as a powerful tourist attraction. Destinia further states: "Now in addition, areas that have been difficult to access, such as the states of Northern Shan, Mon and Kayin, are opening to exploration.
"However, be aware that in very few cities will you find adequate facilities as a tourist.”
Southeast Asian country, Vietnam, will celebrate its National Tourism Year in 2015, under the theme ‘Connecting world heritage', to celebrate the cultural legacy of the country.
"Therefore, all the provinces and cities with UNESCO recognised world heritage sites will host various artistic and cultural performances and events,” the travel company further states, adding: "During the next year, for example, the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, Hanoi will celebrate its 5th anniversary being recognised as a world heritage site and the 50th anniversary of the Ham Rong victory will also be celebrated.”
One of the most active provinces will be that of Thanh Hoa.
Rounding up this 2015 bucket list, Papua New Guinea is being called "an unexplored paradise with more than 600 islands and over 800 indigenous languages.”
The country will host the Pacific Games in July 2015, a sporting event which is expected to boost tourism numbers.
A special mention is also being credited to Mons, Belgium, the capital of the province of Hainaut, which has been nominated as the 2015 European Capital of Culture.
Source: Emirates 24/7