Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor

Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor Workers in tourist bazaars in Luxor, Egypt have organised a protest against the Tourism Minister Hesham Zaazou, on Saturday, calling for his removal from office .
Bakry Abdel Jalil, the leader of the group said the minister must resign from his position for failing to lead the tourism industry during the recent crisis in Egypt.
He added that the tourism sector had witnessed notable deterioration during Zaazou\'s tenure, and criticised the new government for keeping him in his position after beginning his term under the Muslim Brotherhood.
However, Head of the Slow Transportation Syndicate in Luxor condemned the protests and claimed Zaazou was committed to overcoming Luxor\'s tourism problems.  
The city is frequently known as the world’s greatest open-air museum.  Many of Egypt’s greatest pyramids are located there, including the temples at Karnak and the Valley of the Kings.