Burj Al Arab in Dubai (L) and Pyramid of Giza in Egypt

Burj Al Arab in Dubai (L) and Pyramid of Giza in Egypt Egypt, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and India are taking the lead in the rating of the most popular countries for New Year, ITAR-TASS quoted the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) as saying on Monday. “Despite the fact that demand for New Year tours is late, tourists have become more active and reached a peak,” ATOR said, adding that beach and ski tours were most popular among Russian tourists.
“The similar tours take the lead among all tour operators. They are rather reserved in comments on the situation in Thailand and Egypt: demand for Egypt is being restored while Thailand’s demand is considerably decreasing. Political actions in Ukraine have no impact on New Year preferences,” ATOR said.
“Domestic tours don’t prioritize and the sale of New Year tours across Russia is insignificant.” ATOR explains this fact by the big number of independent travelers.
In addition to tardy New Year sales, tour operators say there are new tendencies, for example growing interest in cruises, particularly to the Baltic States. Russian tourists also show interest in the Caribbean region, ATOR said.
“This year there are no last minute tours. All offers are rather balanced. This year there are no reports on cost increases for the winter holidays. On the contrary, tours to Egypt have fallen in prices as compared with the last year holidays,” ATOR reported.
Source: MENA