Sharm El-Sheikh

Sharm El-Sheikh Supporting tourism develops Egypt's economy, since tourism is connected with 70 other industries which offer huge job opportunities, according to Egyptian Minister of Tourism Hisham Zazou. The minister praised the strong relations shared between Egypt and Kuwait on Saturday, during a press conference held for the ocassion of the Kuwaiti media delegation's visit to Sharm El-Sheikh. The delegation's visit was set from December 25 to 28, upon an invitation from the Egyptian tourism development authority.
Zazou also praised Kuwait's continuous support for his country, especially through the current crisis, adding that Egypt will overcome this crisis. Reasonable prices is one of the major factors atrracting Arab tourists to Egypt, he said, adding that the ministry will take an innitiative in 2014 to encourage GCC citizens to visit Egypt, and make it the number one destination for Arab tourists.
The minister noted that he will visit Kuwait during "Hala February" festival, to promote Egyptian tourism, and provide tourism programs to both Kuwaitis and Arabs. He also added that these programs are organized by both Kuwait Airways and Egypt Air.
Zazou said he had previously met with Sheikha Fareeha Al-Jaber Al-Sabah during her recent visit to Egypt, adding that she had started an innitiative to establish a tourism development fund.
Minister of Antiquities Mohammad Ibrahim said that the ministry aims to encourage cultural tourism which does not attract enough numbers of Arabs. He noted that the ministry is planning to build a museum for Tut Ankh Amon in Sharm El-Sheikh, and a smaller version of the Grand Egyptian Museum.
Chairman of Kuwait Airways Vacations department Khalaf Al-Manie stated that the company will increase its flights to Egypt, thanking Minister Zazou for unifying prices for both GCC tourists and Europeans.
Source: KUNA