The newest ships from Costa Cruises will be able to fit 6600 passengers

The newest ocean liner from Costa Cruises will be able to host the population of a small town and, when complete, will nab the title of largest guest capacity ship, capable of ferrying 6,600 passengers.

To be delivered in 2019 and 2020, the two “next-generation” ships are being built in a shipyard in Finland.

In addition to boasting the record for largest guest capacity, the ships also become the first in the cruise industry to be powered by what’s being billed as the world’s cleanest burning fossil fuel, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

Dual-powered hybrid engines will be used to power the ship in-port and out on the open sea.

Overall, the specs are impressive: 180,000 gross tonnage, with more than 2,600 passenger cabins.

Currently, Royal Caribbean’s Harmony of the Seas is touted as the world’s largest cruise ship with a mass of 227,000 tonnes and a length that spans 50 more meters than the height of the Eiffel Tower (362 meters or 1,187 feet).

That ship is is currently under construction and is expected to make its maiden voyage in May, next year. It will have a capacity of 6,360 passengers.
Source: Relaxnews