Drs David and Debra Levinson Capture the Passion of Italy

Drs David and Debra Levinson Capture the Passion of Italy Italian hoteliers endearingly refer to Drs. David & Debra Levinson as “Mr. & Mrs. Italy” for they are true connoisseurs of eating, loving and sleeping all over Italy . They publish the definitive guide Italy Luxury - Family Hotels & Resorts, and advise Italian hoteliers plus consultant soon-to-be travelers on the finest Italy cuisine, wine and accommodations typified by CastaDiva Resort & Spa\'s accompanying video.
Hoteliers and travelers alike value the Levinsons’ expertise.“They drive the right guests to right hotels! These first-class guides convey honest insightful information about each handpicked property. We love the guests who come after reading these books; they arrive with truthful expectations!” Says Barbara Pardini, General Manager, Abergo Pietrasanta (Lucca). Likewise, recent book reviewer A. Melli noted, \"As I went through the pages I immersed myself in a luxurious journey through Italy. The vivid descriptions of the places and the accompanying pictures made this more than a book, an experience. I am now planning my next trip to Italy and I am confident that with the advice of this book, it will be a luxurious stay.\"
“The marriage of Italy with our lifestyle and business was not a conscious decision; it just evolved as an extension of our passion” states Debra. Their journey began nearly two decades ago when their now grown boys were kids; skiing the Italian for a few weeks each winter, summers were spent soaking under the Tuscan sun while discovering the best places to eat, sleep and play with their kids all over Italy. In fact, their first guidebook Italy\'s Best with Kids, initially published in 2004, still continues to be a go-to guide for Italy family travelers.
Levinsons have been described as the matchmakers of Italy holidays; their recommendations are personal, based on the desires and interests of the travelers. David states, “We do all the consulting; it’s a position you can’t hire someone to do, but one that has taken years of experience to acquire. At times we find it necessary to speak with each perspective traveler on a one-to-one basis to assure everyone will have their needs met; a mediator of sorts.” Their clientele are those planning an once-in-a-lifetime trip and Italy lovers seeking those undiscovered spots from Valle d\'Aosta\'s Gran Paradiso National Park to Sicily\'s best beaches. Once the trip is organized they can handle all of your bookings or you can choose a travel agent of choice.
“Their trip planning is flawless\" states Linley Jones -- \"as a busy trial lawyer, our recent family trip to Italy simply wouldn\'t have been possible without their assistance and I couldn\'t believe the luxurious accommodations they arranged--from spas to chateaux. Everywhere I went, they raved about them, and before it was over with, we did too.\" On a select basis Levinsons will also accompany intimate groups to Italy. Dr. Louis Okun affirms, “The choice of hotels and restaurants like Ristorante La Bucaccia in Cortona was amazing, their relationship with the owners and management made me feel like a special guest in their homes.”
Levinsons continually work on further developing Mr. & Mrs. Italy collection of luxury hotels, seeking those once-in-a-lifetime spots that inspire and arouse even the most seasoned Italy aficionado. In pursuit of these extraordinary places they frequent international travel markets to discover and meet with the owners and directors of Italy’s best places to eat, love and sleep while experiencing \"la dolce vita.\" Then, Levinsons head for Italy to conduct onsite inspections ensuring each property has been authentically represented.
Source: PRWEB