Eiffel Tower in Paris

Eiffel Tower in Paris Among all the international cities listed on TripAdvisor, the British, Italian and French capitals received the highest number of reviews from users of the travel-themed online community in 2013. In a press release, TripAdvisor, which boasts over 260 million monthly visitors, commended its users on providing "more than 125 million reliable reviews and opinions" to date, up from 75 million last year.
The site, present in 34 countries, also announced the top countries that contributed to its database of reviews during the year. US travelers contributed more content overall than their peers around the world, while Belgian travelers earned the distinction of having the most "helpful" votes received per review on average. Japanese tourists stood out for their photo contributions, earning the distinction of "most photos submitted per member on average when including photos with reviews."
Travel fans from Singapore stood out for providing the longest reviews on average and for contributing the highest percentage of reviews about places outside of their home country.
Cities that Received Most Reviews Worldwide in 2013:
1- London, England
2- Rome, Italy
3- Paris, France
4- New York City, New York, USA
5- Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
6- Barcelona, Spain
7- Orlando, Florida, USA
8- Milan, Italy
9- Florence, Italy
10- Bangkok, Thailand
Source: Relaxnews