World's most expensive holiday

World\'s most expensive holiday We\'ve all done it: dreamed of pushing our chair away from the desk, grabbing a bag and buying a round-the-world plane ticket. But life, commitments, dusty bank accounts and the idea of all that dratted planning always seem to get in the way.
Now, we can\'t do much about the first three, but should you stumble across a spare £990,000 and a two-year window in the diary, one luxury experience company is prepared to do the map-marking, hotel-booking leg-work for you, organising the ultimate globe-trotting trip - one that will take in all 962 Unesco World Heritage Sites.
The unique journey, offered by, will visit breathtaking spectacles all over the world, including the Taj Mahal in India, Cambodia\'s ancient Angkor temples, the awe-inspiring pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, China\'s Forbidden City and the Inca site of Machu Picchu which sits 8,000ft above sea level in Peru.
You\'ll also be stopping over in Vietnam\'s stunning Halong Bay, the Grand Canyon in America, Petra in Jordan, the astonishing Iguazu Falls at the border of Argentina and Brazil, Mount Athos and the Acropolis in Greece, the good old Tower of London, and 949 other places deemed to have outstanding universal cultural and natural value by the World Heritage Committee.
Aside from the expense and the time, the only catch is that locations must be \'safe and pragmatic to visit\', and reachable by flights offering business class as a minimum standard.
Of course you\'ll need somewhere to rest your weary head in between all that travelling.
Soo decadent hotels including Sandy Lane (Barbados), Hotel George V (Paris), The Plaza (New York), The Taj Mahal Palace (Mumbai), Cipriani Hotel (Venice), and The Ritz-Carlton Hotel (Moscow) will be hosting the fortuitous couple.
Bespoke luxury travel company Hurlingham Travel will be orchestrating the holiday. Andrew Barker, Managing Director, said: \'This is certainly the most exciting trip we have ever managed, and is the most remarkable travel adventure imaginable.\'
Past offers have included offering waking-up surrounded by one million rose petals on Valentine\'s day (£70,000), a bottle of Azature 267 carat black diamond nail polish (£160,000), a flight into space (est. £70,000), the world\'s most expensive Christmas dinner (£125,000 for four) and the chance to have your marriage proposal made into a national TV advert (£135,000).
Founder Marcel Knobil said: \'There is no doubt that this will be one of most thrilling, memorable and inspiring experiences that a couple could ever wish for.
\'Very First To attracts those who like to be the very first to have and do wonderful luxury things whatever the price tag - this trip certainly fulfils the criteria.\'
A donation of £5000 will be made to Unesco during the trip.