Rabat Beach

Rabat Beach Rabat – Rachid Bougha Morocco progressed with two points on the list of the most peaceful and secur states in the world for the year 2012, occupying the 54th place among 158 countries. It came third in the Arab states after the Emirates and Qatar. The index, which is prepared by the Institute for Economics and Peace depends on the sought of the country to enhance the peaceful external relations in order to accelerate the wheel of economy rather than to focus on the military deployment option.
The index said Morocco is the only Arab country that achieved progress in 2012 compared to the last year. It also noted that all the countries have achieved improvement except those of the Middle East and North Africa areas, which have been categorised as the least peaceful countries in the world, stating that the reason behind that is the Arab Spring country. Syria topped the list, after drifting into civil war, then the countries of the post-revolution which are Egypt and Tunisia.
Morocco achieved good results on the level of the number of murders, organised crime, the number of killed in battles, as well as peace keeping efforts, which was similar to last year\'s result.  However, Morocco achieved intermediate marks for human rights, its relations with its neighouring countries, and the potentiality of its exposure to armed threats.
Iceland came first for the second year in a row.