Majorelle Garden in Marrakech

Majorelle Garden in Marrakech Morocco’s attractiveness index, calculated on the basis of a combination of overall satisfaction, tourists recommendation, intention to return and the competitiveness average compared to other destinations, reached a score of 89 points out of a total of 100, says the Moroccan tourism observatory.
The observatory which published results of the tourism activity barometer for the 3rd quarter of 2013 said 75 pc of tourists who visited Morocco said they were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with their travel experience in Morocco and 24 pc said they are “quite satisfied”.
The “very satisfied” group is dominated by British tourists (83pc), followed by the Spaniards (78pc), the Germans (62pc), and the French (77pc).
The cities that got the best scores are Marrakech and Casablanca, with respectively 84pc and 81 pc of visitors saying they were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their stay.
The cities of Rabat, Agadir and Fez were the ones to fare the best respectively by 80pc, 79pc and 76 pc.
Major weak points are associated with the quality of roads, and urban transportation.
The study also showed that 90pc of the polled tourists said they are eager to return to Morocco and 86pc answered they would “certainly” or “very certainly” recommend Morocco.
Up to end of October 2013, 8.6 million tourists visited Morocco, compared to 8 million in the same period of the previous year (a 7 pc growth).
Meanwhile, 80pc said they were attracted by Morocco’s weather, 28pc by geographic proximity and 25 pc by the travel cost.
Source: MAP