Budapest, Hungary is 1 of top 5 cheapest cities to visit this year

Budapest, Hungary is 1 of top 5 cheapest cities to visit this year If your travel plans include a stop to Oslo this summer be prepared to empty your pockets, as the Norwegian capital has emerged as the most expensive travel destination in the world this summer in TripAdvisor’s latest price index. After looking at the cost for a one-night stay for two people in a four-star hotel, cocktails, dinner and a round-trip, 2-mile (3.2 km) taxi ride, the final tally for a couple’s trip to Oslo rings up at US$581 - nearly four times the price of a trip to the list’s cheapest destination - Sofia, Bulgaria.
Overall, Europe emerged as the most expensive continent to visit this year, with six of the top 10 costliest destinations hailing from the area including Oslo (1), Zurich (2),  Stockholm (3), Paris (5), London (7), and Copenhagen (8).
For travellers looking for more affordable travel destinations, consider a trip to cities like Hanoi, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the report suggests, where the average cost for a one-night trip clocks in around $204, compared to the overall average of $322.
The top five cheapest cities on the list start with Sofia, Hanoi, Warsaw, Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, and Budapest, Hungary.