A new survey profiling Millennial globetrotters around the world

A new survey profiling Millennial globetrotters around the world A new survey profiling Millennial globetrotters around the world has found stark generational divides separating older travelers from their younger cohort. One of the biggest differences: travelers 18 to 30 are more likely to air their grievances in the cybersphere and post a negative review online.
Carried out by Expedia.com, the wide-sweeping survey polled 8,535 adults in 24 countries to assess the habits and preferences of Millennials, an increasingly influential demographic that is shaping the travel landscape.
Compared to their older colleagues, younger travelers were more likely to grumble about a negative hotel, flying or restaurant experience by blasting the service or facilities in a review online, the survey found.
Furthermore, nearly eight in ten Millennials consider online travel reviews either “somewhat” or “very important.”
Maybe it’s because they’re less likely to earn as much as their older colleagues, but the report also found that younger travelers have less of a qualm about putting pricier, high-end meals on their expense sheet, with 42 percent of Millennials saying they spend more dining out on their company’s dime than they would if they had to foot the bill themselves.
By comparison, 26 percent of older respondents 42 to 65 said the same.
The same trend was observed in flight upgrades, room service, wine and alcohol.
And while business travelers tend to be early adopters of technology, this is especially true of younger users, researchers note.
Case in point: Millennials are more likely than their older colleagues to book their business travel on their mobile phones (32 percent) or tablets (20 percent), a habit that’s slow to catch on among 46- to 65-year-olds.
Respondents were polled in Europe, North America, South America and Asia Pacific.
Source: Relaxnews