Hotels can now calculate and communicate their carbon footprint

Hotels can now calculate and communicate their carbon footprint Over 15,000 hotels around the world have so far adopted the Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative (HCMI) methodology that allows them , for the first time, to calculate and communicate the carbon footprint of hotel stays and meetings in a consistent and transparent way.
This huge achievement is the result of months of hard work by the working group of International Tourism Partnership (ITP), the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and 23 leading global hospitality companies to roll out the methodology to their properties and to communicate the initiative to a wide range of stakeholders – including industry associations, certification bodies and corporate customers.
The new methodology provides transparency and clear communications for the growing body of corporate clients who require such information as part of the annual RFP process.  
The methodology was \"road tested\" at a number of diverse properties around the world, ranging from boutique hotels to resorts, casinos, and major conference hotels.  In addition, a range of industry experts were consulted on the resulting draft.