The Pavilion

The Pavilion The Pavilion, a long awaited, contemporary relaxation area has just been opened at award winning luxury spa Ragdale Hall. Featuring sumptuous sofas, garden view loungers and some beautiful contemporary artwork and glassware, the area just oozes blissful relaxation and is Ragdale’s ultimate chill-out zone.
A palette of emerald green, turquoise and peacock blue is beautifully complemented by the lovely views across the gardens towards the Thermal Spa. Two sides of the room are floor to ceiling glass with an outdoor decked area.
Original bespoke artwork is featured including \"Flutterby\" a mirror polished stainless steel wall hanging covered with a tight cluster of butterflies from Grace & Webb in Gloucestershire and a glass screen by London based architectural glass designer Kate Maestri. Kate’s piece includes five separate pieces of laminated stained glass mounted in a mirrored plinth to provide a degree of privacy to the area of loungers beyond.Nottingham contemporary glass maker, Stuart Ackroyd has provided individual pieces on show in the Pavilion as well as designing a wall sculpture. Both are influenced by Ragdale’s tranquility and the colours reflect the pools within the spa. The organic shapes connect with nature in the gardens just outside.
All are perfect embellishments for a truly stunning room designed by Ragdale’s interior designer Liz Millington. Liz, over the last eight years, has overseen the refurbishments of Ragdale’s bedrooms, corridors and public areas providing areas as comfortable and sumptuous, as they are beautiful.