Egyptian Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou

Egyptian Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou Cairo – Akram Ali The US foreign ministry announced that it would be taking Egypt off the travel ban list, which was described as a significant step by Egyptian Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou. Following the decision, Zaazou said: “This is a very important move which will aid in bringing back not only general tourism but also American tourists to Egypt.” He also stated that the security presence in the Egyptian street was a fundamental foundation to help recover its position on the global tourism map.
The Egyptian tourism office manager in New York, Mohamed Hegazy, confirmed that this decision was a positive step in assuring tourism in the country. He also pointed out that there was a lot more compassion from the Americans towards Egyptian tourism, especially after the political and security stability in Egypt.
US Consulate General in Alexandria, Candace Putnam, met with several people following this decision including the Businessmen Association in the city of Mansoura, the secretary of Freedom and Justice Party (el-Horya Wa el-Adala), Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors and the Democratic Front Party (el-Gabha el-Dimocratiy). She however refused the attendance of the press in the sessions, making it a private matter. Putnam expressed her desire to see Egypt stable and wished to witness the improvement of the Egyptian economy in the coming period. During her meeting in Mansoura, she said: “We look forward to some of the ways to improve the Egyptian economy and help reduce debt.” She added that they will cooperate with Egypt in three main sectors: tourism, agriculture and ports; the latter to help increase Egyptian exportation. Putnam also wished to see several suggestions from Egyptian businessmen in order to support the new Egyptian cabinet in the agriculture field.
Ahmed Osman, the spokesman for the Freedom and Justice Party in Dakahlia said: \"The meeting was a great way to not only exchange valuable knowledge but also help introduce ourselves on a one to one basis.” In regards to relations with the USA, Osman confirmed that they are not in conflict with America but refused the double standard principle. He also stressed that Sinai is totally secure for tourists.