The village of Nagarkot in Nepal is 7,200 feet above sea level and not far from Mount Everest

The village of Nagarkot in Nepal is 7,200 feet above sea level and not far from Mount Everest These villagers really do live the high life because the view from their front doors is right above the clouds.At a height of 2,195 metres - or 7,200 feet - the Nepalese inhabitantsof Nagarkot in the Himalayas can count Mount Everest among their nearest neighbours.
A hardy population of 3,500 people carve out an existence on the slopes of the steep mountains farming for centuries with traditional terraces to stop crops sliding away.
But rather than the Tube or busy traffic when these people go to work they are greeted by this incredible vista of clouds beneath their feet.
 Photographer Anton Jankovoy, from the Ukraine, travelled to the amazing district 20 miles east of the Nepal capital Kathmandu.
He said: ‘I live and work the most of the year in Nepal and this village is my favourite place there, a place where I spend almost all my free time.
‘The scenery is stunning and for these people living above the clouds is just a normal day for them despite how amazing it looks to the rest of us.
‘Most of us in the rest of the world spend our lives looking up at the clouds but they have to look down to see them, for me this place is heaven.’