The Turanor PlanetSolar is the world's shows the world's largest solar boat  

The Turanor PlanetSolar is the world's shows the world's largest solar boat   It looks like the world's smallest aircraft carrier as dreamed up by a child with an oversized Lego set and an imagination to match. But this vessel is in fact the largest solar-powered boat in the world. Tûranor PlanetSolar is currently on a voyage to set a round-the-world record - and promote the use of sustainable energy. In doing so it would be the first fully solar-powered vessel to circumnavigate the globe.
These images were taken as it arrived on its first Australian stopover in Brisbane.
The boat began it's voyage on September 27, 2010, in Monaco and stops have included Miami, Cancun - during the United Nations World Climate Conference - and the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
It cost 12.5million euros to build. The name Tûranor, derived from J.R.R. Tolkien's novel The Lord of the Rings, translates to 'The Power of the Sun'.
The boat is covered in more than 500 square meters of solar panels, which power the two electric motors in each hull. The shape of the boat means that it will be able to reach speeds of up to fourteen knots.
The boat's hull has been model tested in wind tunnels and has been tank tested to determine the hydrodynamics and aerodynamics of the hull.
This 31m long boat - which can hold 40 passengers - has been designed to be used as a luxury yacht after the record attempt is finished.