Fully veiled woman (R) walking in a shopping mall in the Emirati capital

An Emirati woman on trial over two alleged jihad-inspired attacks against Americans, including killing a teacher, was aware of her actions the court said Monday, citing a medical report.

Alaa Bader al-Hashemi is on trial at the Federal Supreme Court on charges of stabbing to death mother-of-three Ibolya Ryan, 47, in a shopping mall washroom in the UAE capital.

She is also accused of attempting to murder an American doctor of Egyptian origin by planting a bomb outside his apartment.

The court had ordered psychiatric tests after Hashemi asked for psychological help, claiming to be "possessed by evil spirits" and seeing "ghost-like people".

But the court said on Monday that medical tests have shown that she was aware of her actions, The National daily reported on its website.

"The summary of the report states that the defendant is responsible for her actions, and that she was aware of and had the will to commit the crime, and no mental or emotional issue was found," the daily cited the judge as saying.

The authorities say Hashemi embraced "jihadist ideology and then engaged in terrorist acts in support of the terrorist organisations" Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group.

She has also been charged with collecting explosive materials and financing and promoting the ideas of "terrorist" groups in the United Arab Emirates.

The case has been adjourned to June 8, The National reported.
Source: AFP