Sherry Payne teaches how to best provide health care for African American women

Sherry Payne teaches how to best provide health care for African American women The rates for infant and maternal mortality in the U.S. are higher than most other developed nations. And there is a striking health disparity by ethnic group. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2006, the rate of maternal mortality was 9.5/1000 for whites and 32.7/1000 for African Americans. Similarly, the rate for infant mortality was 5.6/1000 for whites and 13.3/1000 for African Americans. According to a new women\'s health webinar from Praeclarus Press, the reasons for these health disparities are complex and include pre-existing health conditions, young childbearing, poverty, racism, substance abuse, and lack of access to care.
In an upcoming webinar, Welcoming African American women into your practice: Seven steps to creating a culture of respect and inclusivity, Sherry Payne addresses the many ways that can exclude African American women in subtle, and sometimes not-so-subtle ways.
In this webinar, participants will learn to define white privilege and medical apartheid, and how these influence practice. Participants will compare and contrast the concepts of culture and class, learn strategies for engaging clients in dialog, and develop strategies for practice culture change. This webinar is co-sponsored by Praeclarus Press and the Simkin Center for Allied Birth Vocations at Bastyr University.
The live webinar is Friday, October 11, 2013 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00). It will also be recorded. Registrants will receive a link for the recorded webinar upon completion of the live webinar. To register, click here.
Sherry L. Payne has a bachelors of nursing and a masters in nursing education. Ms. Payne is a lactation consultant, is pursing midwifery education. and works part-time as a seminar presenter and nurse educator. Upon completion of her midwifery studies, she plans to open an urban prenatal clinic and birth center. Ms. Payne founded Uzazi Village, a nonprofit dedicated to decreasing health disparites in the urban core. She owns Perinatal ReSource, an education, training and consulting firm. She is on the Editorial Board for Clinical Lactation, and sits on the board of CIMS, Coalition to Improve Maternity Services. She also sits on her local FIMR Board (fetal infant mortality review). She presents nationally on perinatal and nursing education issues. Her career goals include increasing the number of midwives of color and improving lactation rates in the African American community through published investigative research and application of evidence based clinical practice and innovation in community-based care models. She is the 2013 recipient of the Medela Breastfeeding Hall of Excellence for her advocacy work on behalf of African-American mothers.
Praeclarus Press is a small press dedicated to women\'s health, owned by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, located in Amarillo, Texas. It features books, webinars, and white papers on a variety of topics related to women\'s health throughout the lifespan. The Simkin Center for Allied Birth Vocations at Bastyr University trains social, practical and clinical care providers for pregnant and new families, including:birth and postpartum doulas, lactation consultants, and childbirth educators.
Source: PRWEB