Dubai Foundation for Women and Children (DFWAC)

The Dubai Foundation for Women and Children, DFWAC, has provided shelter and care services for 18 victims of human trafficking between the beginning of last year and the end of the first half of this year, with no Emirati citizens among the cases recorded.
Afra Al Basti, Director-General of DFWAC, said that the U.A.E. has made strong efforts in the fight against human trafficking, including efforts to raise awareness of the phenomenon, which led to achieving a significant decrease in the number of victims. Al Basti said that this success has seen the number of cases received by DFWAC during the first half of this year plummet by 75%, with just three cases, compared to 12 cases recorded during the same period last year.
Al Basti said that the human trafficking phenomenon is found in various regions around the world, and that the U.A.E. continues to work hard to eliminate it through joint cooperation with concerned bodies, and strives to achieve a leading role in the fight against this activity.
"The three cases received during the first half of this year were referred to DFWAC by Dubai Police. In two of the cases, the victims were to be trafficked outside the U.A.E.. The first victim was approached by an unknown person promising work at a beauty salon. The second victim was promised work as a babysitter by a friend, while the third victim, who was working as a maid in the U.A.E., was promised better work and pay elsewhere by an anonymous person," Al Basti explained.
Al Basti also said that the three victims, who were aged between 21 and 26, were subjected to sexual, physical, verbal and emotional abuse, and one of them was also subjected to financial abuse.
"Cases are directed to DFWAC through self-admission, via the hotline, or from our partners such as the public prosecution department, the courts, foreign embassies and consulates, shelters, various police departments and other help-lines around the emirates," she added.
"A comprehensive evaluation is made of each case and a decision is then taken as to whether it is an external case or an internal one that requires immediate shelter at the foundation. A case manager is allocated to follow-up on the procedures," Al Basti said.
The Director-General added that the foundation provides many services to victims of human trafficking, including a helpline (800111), emergency shelter and support services. It also provides a customised rehabilitation plan specifically designed for each case.
Source: WAM