Consultant Endocrinologist at Dubai Diabetes Centre Dr Dima Abdelmannan (L)

Cleveland Clinic last night presented its fourth annual Young Clinician of the Year Award, during the Arab Health Achievement and Innovation Awards, to Dr. Dima Abdelmannan, a Consultant Endocrinologist at Dubai Diabetes Centre, Dubai Health Authority, and an Associate Clinical Dean at Dubai Medical College, who holds dual board degrees in internal medicine and endocrinology from both the US and UK.
The award is given to physicians under 40 who have made a positive impact on the lives of their patients in the Middle East. Physicians are nominated by an institution or their peers and nominations are reviewed by a judging panel, chaired by William Carey, M.D., Director of the Centre for Continuing Education at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA, and the selection is made based on a criteria which includes evident medical acumen and leadership, dedication to excellence and quality care, demonstration of empathy and compassion in all aspects of care, and a commitment to continuing medical education.
"For the fourth year, Cleveland Clinic is honouring a young physician who displays not only leadership and commitment, but also compassion for patients," said Dr. Carey.
According to the judging panel, Dr. Dima Abdelmannan has gathered a solid record at a young age. "We not only received feedback from her peers and her organisation, but also from one of her patients. She stands out in a very competitive group of applicants for this award," he added.
Dr. Abdelmannen will now have the opportunity to observe clinical operations at Cleveland Clinic's main campus in the U.S. for one week, hosted and sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic's Centre for International Medical Education, in collaboration with Informa, the organiser of the Arab Health Congress.
"Our goal is to reward excellence and to add value to healthcare reform that the Middle East region is witnessing," said Robert Stall, Executive Director of International Operations at Cleveland Clinic.
"Cleveland Clinic is committed to the growth and development of healthcare's future leaders worldwide and is consistently willing to engage in such initiatives in the region," he added.
Source: WAM