Tuka Naji was in her third year as a student in the faculty of literature

A young Egyptian woman was horrifically killed few days before her wedding in Banha in the Qalyubia governorate, north of Egypt.

Tuka Naji, who is in her third year as a student in the faculty of literature in the University of Banha, was found dead and lying in a pool of blood at her home.

She was stabbed at least 19 times while pieces of her body, resulting from the stabbing, were found next to her. There were also marks of bruises and suffocation. 

Naji who was preparing for her wedding on Thursday was found killed at her home on Saturday by her family and relatives.

Security forces said they were following every lead to find the murderer who committed the crime for rape motives as nothing is missing from the apartment hence the motive cannot be theft. 

Relevant authorities are investigating with everyone who frequently visit Naji’s house and are interrogating witnesses to figure out who the last person who visited her was.

Naji’s neighbors and friends said she was loved by everyone, had no enemies and treated everyone with kindness and respect.

Source :Al Arabiya