Men and women must comply with while talking on social network sites

Men and women must comply with while talking on social network sites The Palestinian Supreme Fatwa Council on Tuesday issued a Fatwa decreeing that men and women should only talk on social network sites if they are seeking a partner for marriage. The Fatwa Council listed a number of restrictions that men and women must comply with while talking on social network sites, according to a statement.
\"The main purpose of the conversation should be marriage through legal ways, and it shouldn\'t have any other goals which could mark a violation of Sharia law. Any personal details, which could arouse lust, must not be addressed during the conversation.\"
The second precondition states that women must avoid describing themselves physically to men on social network sites or display any photos.
Woman must also avoid arranging meetings with men unless a family member accompanies them.
A third stipulation is that women must avoid \"sentimentality and tenderness\" in their tone of voice when talking to men.
The parents of men and women using social networks must also be aware of their children\'s conversations, the Fatwa said.
Source: Maan