Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

Ukrainian authorities’ accusations against ‘evil external forces,’ including Russia, signal that Kiev cannot solve its domestic problems, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

"I think there are many problems in modern Ukraine, which indeed demand a solution and which should be commented. However, given that the external factor is so much in demand and they constantly cite the ‘aggressor’ topic as they like to say and ‘evil external forces’ like they call all of us - there is a greater feeling that they lack internal resources to solve the pressing domestic problems," Zakharova told reporters.

"Taking into account these statements, which we hear from the Kiev regime, it seems to me that this is evident… The West has a feeling and understanding of the reality. Another thing is that there is an absolutely clear political campaign against Russia and Crimea. We all understand this and know and will be tough," Zakharova stressed.