Singer Latifa

Singer Latifa Singer Latifa Arfaoui called Tunisians at home and abroad as well as her fans from the Tunisian youth to "go immediately and put their names on the records of voters and participate in the coming elections of the Constitutional Assembly so as to restore the country's prosperity and glory among other nations."
The call came after she registered her name on the list of voters who will have their say in the foundational council to be held on the 23rd of October. The Tunisian diva recorded her name in the registration desk at the Tunisian Embassy in Cairo, where some of the embassy members were welcoming her. She expressed her ultimate happiness and pride to be able, for the first time in her life, to participate in her country's free elections of her own accord.
She is used to having her name discarded into fake files, in order for the previous regime to make use of it during its forged electoral campaigns. This led her finally to sue all the people who took advantage of her name for these fake campaigns.
She said in statement that was copied by Tunisian media that "My pleasure in participating in the coming Tunisian elections is because we have emerged from the womb of the blessed Tunisian Revolution that triggered revolutions across the Arab World. Electing a constituent assembly is what will lead the person in charge to protect this great revolution that was sparked by Tunisia’s bold youth". Since the escape of the Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on the 14th of January, Latifa has encountered a fierce campaign against her due to her "loyalty to Ben Ali and singing in his family's parties". On the other hand, this invitation comes from Latifa to her fans and to the people of her country after the supreme independent organization for elections extended the door of registration and opened it extra 12 days until August the 14th.
From his part, the general officer for the institution Poker Ibn Thabit, who is assigned to the task of overseeing the electoral process with all its various stages, said that "This decision comes out of keenness to enable citizens to perform their electoral duty in the best circumstances". Moreover the decision arose due to the large amount Tunisians who went to register only a short while before the registration door was closed, initially on the 2nd of August.
Head of the institution Kamal Al Gandouby declared that "This extension will be the first and last" also he expressed his sadness that the numbers of women and youths are not as high as expected.
As of last Sunday the number of registered voters stood at only 2 million out of a possible 7.9 million. The Institution hopes to get 7.5 million to register out of those eligible; Tunisia’s population is 12 million.