Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed al-Qasimi

Sheikha Lubna bint Khalid Al Qasimi, Minister of International Co-operation and Development (MICAD), Head of the UAE Committee for Coordination of Foreign Humanitarian Aid, has commended the local, regional and international humanitarian achievements of H.H. Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, wife of H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah.

She also praised the UAE's humanitarian record, describing it as "an undisputed state of compassion, fraternity and humanitarian sympathy," thanks to the directives of the wise leadership.

Commenting on the launch of the International Childhood Cancer Fund launched by Sheikha Jawaher today, Sheikha Lubna said, "When we talk about the dangers and tragedies being suffered by millions of children in developing countries and the world's poor communities, that must find resonance among those who respond to the needs of these children and rush to mitigate their sufferings and pain."

She added that the world has known Sheikha Jawaher as a prominent defender of humanitarian causes in all fields, adding, "Her legacy will be etched in humanitarian records."

Sheikha Lubna said the launch of the initiative by Sheikha Jawaher reflects her awareness about the risks posed by cancer, and added that cancer claims 90,000 children worldwide annually.

"Sheikha Jawaher's co-operation with the International Union against Cancer comes in line with her efforts to provide support for children with cancer to speed up recovery from the life-threatening disease," she said.

She noted that Sheikha Jawaher's initiatives have continued unabated, citing her appreciation by the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees (UNHCR), which named her an "outstanding refugee children's advocate" due to her contribution to assisting refugees across the region.

Lubna added that Sheikha Jawaher sought to raise awareness, collect donations and aid to support Syria's refugee children at their camps in host countries. She also championed other initiatives such as the reconstruction of Lebanon, assistance of the children of Palestine, peace campaign for young people as well as donations for The Big Heart Campaign for Palestinian children.
Source: WAM