Mauritanians celebrate their achievements
Mauritanian Minister of Woman Affairs Maimona Al Taqi

Mauritanian Minister of Woman Affairs Maimona Al Taqi praised what she described the major position the Mauritanian woman enjoys in her country during the recent years in different state institutions. The statement coincided with the current state of controversy dominating the country over a new draft law to provide women with more freedoms on the western style.
She added that the Mauritanian woman provides a rare model in the region, as she has 10 ministerial portfolios and seven positions in different secretariats in addition to six women serving as mayors. She added that the Mauritanian woman occupies 22 percent of the parliamentary seats.
The Mauritanian woman manage to prove her efficiency in trade, as they import the commodities from all over the world and conduct deals with different trade institutions in different places around the world.
The Mauritanian government turned to withdraw a draft law protecting the women from men’s repression two months ago due to the increasing pressures from the Mauritanian conservative society, as the law imposed punishments against the men who insult their wives or prevent them from travelling outside the country.