Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane

Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane The Democratic Association of Moroccan Women have denounced a \"sexist\" insult uttered by Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane on Tuesday night. The prime minister declared on the Al-Jazeera programme \"Bela Hdod\" [Without limits] that he \"is going to reform state affairs or in order words, do the women\'s dirty work.\"
The association issued an official statement demanding the prime minister to publicly apologise to women. It said that this insult was discriminatory and that it stained Moroccan\'s women image and dignity.
The statement added that given the sexist nature of his comment, Benkirane will not have any say on governmental schemes that promote gender equality, since he considers women as second-class citizens.
The Democratic Association of Moroccan Women is composed of 28 women, who fight for women\'s rights regardless of political beliefs. They are working on reforming the constitution on equality between men and women in politics, culture and  economy.
The Association has presented a draft of the new laws, along with set targets on what Moroccan women should expect to obtain in the 21st century.