Princess Lalla Meryem

Princess Lalla Meryem Princess Lalla Meryem, chairwoman of the National Union of Morocco’s women (UNFM), chaired this Saturday in Skhirate (Rabat suburbs) the opening of the first international congress themed “women and road security: society project” .
Held by the UNFM and the Moroccan commission for the prevention of traffic accidents, the international event seeks to highlight the effective role of women in improving road security and the importance of integrating the gender approach in public policies in order to fight road accidents.
Held in the presence of representatives of international organisations, the two-day conference is looking into the role of non-governmental organizations in improving road safety, women, road safety and sustainable development.
Minister of equipment, transport and logistics, Aziz Rebbah, underscored that lack of road safety is not only a source of human tragedies but also a real collective issue that affects economic development and social cohesion worldwide.
He also argued that handling this problem requires an efficient strategy and an integrated and long-term approach.
Bouchra Azegane, from the UNFM, stressed that the meeting is held pursuant to the instructions of King Mohammed VI who has been constantly keen on consolidating the role of women and encouraging their participation in economic, social, political and cultural life.
Representative of the world health organization, Yves Souteyranda, underscored the leading role played by women, as educators of future generations, in instilling road safety principles and behaviors.
Source: MAP