Tunisian women

Tunisian women were granted more progressive laws compared with Arab counterparts. It comes as a result of the laws made by the Tunisian late President Habib Bourguiba. After his death, the degree of freedom had been insufficient for women, with the evolution of the movement of society and the changes that have occurred in the country since the beginning of the Arab Spring.
Although the situation after the revolution was not ideal, the woman was one of the winners. In the Tunisian constitution approved in January 2014, the Chapter 46 of stipulated that "the State is committed to the protection of acquired rights of women and shall work on supporting and developing them," while Chapter 21 thereof provides that "male and female citizens are equal in rights and duties and equal before the law without discrimination.” The Chapter 46 said that the state should adhere to the achievements of the modernity. The Chapter 21 presented the principle of gender equality in rights and freedoms.
These laws enshrine the rights of women of the most important achievements of modernity that have been made in light of the national state. The Personal Status Code is within the legislative texts that have been made for women, it has laid the basic rights of women from the most important recognition of the right to choose her husband, and to determine the minimum age for marriage (18 years old). It made the marriage organized on a civilian contract and made the divorce by judicial decision. It also recognized women's role as a partner in the care of the family. It banned polygamy and dedicated the right of the wife to seek divorce. It guaranteed that Tunisian women who married foreigners will have the right to pass their nationality for their children. It devoted gender equality in the field of labor laws and systems of law number 91 of 1998.