Arab-Chinese Women's Forum in Abu Dhabi

On the occasion of the opening of the Arab-Chinese Women's Forum in Abu Dhabi under the theme, "Women's Economic Empowerment", and with the patronage of H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, Chairwoman of the General Women's Union, GWU, Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation, FDF, and President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, in a speech given via video, thanked H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak for her valuable contributions to the advancement of women in the UAE, and for the assistance she has given to many women outside the UAE.

The UN Secretary-General added that Sheikha Fatima has shown great commitment in addressing health-related issues, literacy, and other issues that have an impact on women, children and families. He also pointed out that the average life span of females born in the UAE today is equal to that of developed countries, crediting Her Highness for her keenness to ensure that all births taking place in the UAE are carried out under the supervision of professional specialists.

Mr Ban expressed gratitude to Sheikha Fatima for her work in advancing the status of women in UAE society, and in supporting young women's rights to obtain a high level of education, praising the growing impact of Emirati women in the fields of politics, diplomacy, and trade, saying that he hopes that women will achieve greater gains in other areas, especially in the field of judicial reform.

In conclusion, Ban Ki-moon said that Sheikha Fatima is considered an inspiring example for all women in the Arab region and the world.

Also speaking at the event, Inas Makkawi, the Head of the Department of Family and Childhood at the Secretariat-General of the Arab League, expressed her appreciation for the great efforts made by H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak in advancing the status of women, upholding their dignity, and for protecting and enabling them under the harsh conditions experienced by many women in the Arab region due to wars, conflicts and disasters taking place inside and outside the Arab world. Makkawi also lauded her role in protecting Arab children, and her work in providing them with their basic rights to education, health and protection.

She added that the meeting is an integral pillar of the Arab-Chinese Women's Forum at the ministerial level to implement the decisions of the Arab League, which, she went on to say, was being held during this difficult period, with the UAE's strong will in strengthening the bonds of experience exchange and supporting capabilities, and for reaching targets to ensure that new projects and programmes are provided to empower women, safeguard the family, and ensure their dignity and humanity on Earth.

Ms. Makkawi concluded by thanking Sheikha Fatima for her humanitarian efforts and her political will which supports sustainable development issues in the Arab world.
Source: WAM