Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel visits US troops in Afghanistan, March 2013

Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel visits US troops in Afghanistan, March 2013 Washington – Arab Today US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has drafted a series of new policies to stem sexual assault in the military, internal documents indicate .
An internal memo reveals six executive actions meant to address the problem of sexual assault in the military, Politico reported on Wednesday. The policies could be sent to congress as soon as this week.
US military chiefs came under fire from lawmakers in June over a \"plague\" of sexual assaults in the ranks, but the top brass argued against plans to strip commanders of authority over criminal cases.
A rise in rapes, along with a wave of high-profile scandals, put military leaders on the defensive.
The new draft policies include a rule requiring consistency across all branches of the military on what constitutes an inappropriate relationship between trainers and trainees and recruiters and recruits, a policy regarding the transfer or reassignment of those accused of sexual assault and a mandate requiring judge advocates to serve as investigating officers in preliminary hearings.
Another policy would expand legal advice to victims throughout the military justice process. That service already exists in the Air Force, Politico reported.
Hagel is also considering a policy that would allow victims to weigh in during the post-trial phase of military courts martial, Politico said.
Admiral James Winnefield, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said one of the policies would fast-track \"unrestricted\" victim reports (in which the victim is identified, as opposed to those who remain anonymous).
\"At first glance, this seems like another positive development,\" said John LaBombard, a spokesman for Senator Claire McCaskill.
\"It doesn\'t detract from the urgency we feel in enacting the historic reforms approved by the Armed Services Committee, but it\'s another sign that the Defense Department is now treating this problem with the seriousness that we expect, and that survivors deserve.\"
Senator McCaskill had previously criticised generals’ handling of sexual violence in the army, saying the military misunderstood the problem - lumping together rape and other crimes with sexual harassment at the work place.
McCaskill was among the voices calling on the force to better document sex crimes, ramp up prosecutions and make it easier for rape victims to come forward

Source: UPI and AFP