Abdullah bin Zayed receives President of UN General Assembly

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, on Monday received Miroslav Lajack, President of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, who is currently visiting the UAE to attend the IRENA General Assembly meeting in Abu Dhabi.

The meeting saw discussions on ways to enhance co-operation between the UAE and the UN, particularly in humanitarian and developmental fields, through different partnership tools.

Sheikh Abdullah welcomed the President of the UN General Assembly and reviewed with him a number of regional and international issues of mutual interest.

Sheikh Abdullah affirmed the UAE's keenness to build and sustain partnerships with the organisations concerned with comprehensive development for the nations of the world.

Lajack expressed the international organisation's appreciation of the efforts and the role played by the UAE in humanitarian and development domains.

The meeting was attended by Yaqoub Yousif Al Hosani, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for International Organisation's Affairs.