The President of the Republic, Field Marshal, Omer al- Bashir

The President of the Republic, Field Marshal, Omer al- Bashir, said in Nyala that "Darfur is recovering and will return better than before".
During his address, Thursday, to the mass rally in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur state, the President has renewed the states commitment to the implementation of the firearms collection, and to gather it in hands of the state to be used in maintaining the peoples security, calling on the people who obtain firearms to hand it over during the period of the voluntary collection of arms.
He promised to continue the implementation of the development projects, providing health services, water, the construction of bridges, the re-operation of railways to al-Genina and to link the state's parts with roads.
He called for the reconciliation between the tribes in the state, the mending of the social fabric, demanding the state's women to carry their role in the reconciliation and the arms collection, expressing satisfaction of the presidency over the performance of the government of South Darfur.
The Wali (governor) of South Darfur state, Adam al-Faki, on his part, has welcomed the president's visit to the state, indicating stability of its security, referring to the lifting of the curfew where the people are moving peacefully, noting to the continuous work in the development and roads projects.
The speaker of the state's legislative council, Salih Abdul-Ja'abar has affirmed the end of the security threats, and the disappearance of weapons on the streets before the start of the compulsory collection of the firearms.
He pledged the speeding up of the work in Baggara Baisin, noting to the good work in the services and development projects in the state.

Source: SUNA