The Syrian government is constantly coordinating with Russia regarding deployment of chemical arms in the ongoing conflict with the armed Syrian opposition, namely the deadly shelling that targeted eastern Ghota region on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Walid Al-Muallem said on Thursday. Al-Muallem speaking at a news conference said \"Syria coordinates with Russia in reading the stand vis a vis the investigations of chemicals arms\' usage on basis of full confidence that the party that used these weapons were the opposition,\" re-affirming the government charge that the opposition was behind yesterday\'s deadly chemical attack that left scores of people, including many children, dead and injured. On Israel\'s stance toward the Syrian crisis, Al-Muallem indicated that Israel views the Syrian strife as in its favor for it wishes, as he said, to see strength \"of the Arab armies being waned.\" \"The Israeli interest regarding the events in Syria and the region has become clear and this is sensed in statements of its officials, that they will not allow the resistance axis to win, thus Israel is satisfied at escalation of terrorism in the region and annihilation of the infrastructures and weakness of the Arab economies and armies,\" he added. He also charged that the United States also wishes to see the violence in Syria continuing \"as long as this serves Israel\'s interests,\" thus the date of holding the Geneva-4 conference has been delayed at various pretexts. Super powers have been debating prospects of holding a new round of negotiations in Geneva to try to settle the Syrian crisis that has claimed more than 100,000 lives. On Lebanon, Al-Muallem praised the political parties that \"have boldly stood on the Syrian state side.\" As to Europe, he said there was \"some development\" in the Europeans\' stance toward the Syrian issue \"but has not reached the level we desire.\"