Prince Khalifa bin Salman al Khalifa

The Arab League (AL) will organize on Wednesday a ceremony where AL Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit will honor Bahrain's Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman al Khalifa.

The move comes in recognition of the great and unique efforts exerted by the premier over the past decades to push forward development wheel in Bahrain.

Abul Gheit will bestow upon the high-level Bahraini official the AL's "Development Work Shield", said the AL chief spokesman Mahmoud Affifi. 

The AL chief decided to hold this ceremony annually as a tradition that aims at honoring Arab figures and officials who have great contributions in the field of development action.

The ceremony also aims at shedding light on these contributions as an example to follow in the domain of achieving development and progress in the Arab countries, the spokesman reiterated.

The ceremony will be attended by important figures at the official and unofficial levels including former AL chiefs Amr Moussa and Nabil el Araby.

Source: MENA