The feminist text will be modernised by Juliska Szik

Medea, an ancient Greek play by Euripides, is coming to Dubai on March 23, 24 and 25 at The Junction in Al Serkal Avenue.

The tragic story of betrayal and vengeance will be adapted in a contemporary way and directed by Juliska Szik.

Medea is about the titular character who left her home and family behind for her husband, Jason. But Jason leaves her for another woman.

Medea, left with nothing, decides to take revenge in the most extreme way possible — murder.

The original story of Medea explores the disadvantages of being a woman in a patriarchal society in ancient Greece and has thus been read as a feminist text. It first appeared on stage in 431BC.

In Dubai, Szik will use a minimal set, present-day costumes and special visual effects to help audiences connect with the story.

“The driving force of this play is the burning desire of love that sent by the gods, which is stronger than anything. The question arises: Are human beings subject to their own will, or is their fate written from birth? If the latter, then all the hopes and dreams are irrelevant,” said Szik

source : gulfnews