Pope Francis meets Angelina Jolie

Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie met Pope Francis on Thursday after screening her new film "Unbroken" at the Vatican during a visit to the tiny state with two of her children.
Jolie, a special envoy for the UNHCR, met the 78-year old pontiff in the throne room in the papal palace, along with her brother, her daughters Shiloh and Zahara and an interpreter.
At the start of the short, private meeting, the US actress kissed the pope's ring and was presented with a rosary by Francis, according to Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi.
The Argentine pope had not been able to make time to see the film, which was screened for priests and nuns in a patrician villa in the Vatican which houses the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
The flick is based on the true story of Olympic athlete Louis Zamperini, a World War II bombardier who survived a plane crash and a period as a prisoner of war, and touches on his Christian conversion, which helped him deal with PTSD.