Arab league secretary general Nabil el-Arabi

Arab League (AL) Secretary General Nabil el Araby welcomed the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to the AL premises.

"It is an honor to receive today at the Arab League premises the Chinese president,"Araby said, adding that this is the same place that witnessed the establishment of the Arab-Chinese cooperation forum ten years ago.

The Chinese president's visit coincides with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Egypt and China, he added.

Talking about the Silk Road, Araby aid that the old Silk Road linked the Arab countries with China and was a bridge for cultural and commercial exchange.

He also said that the Chinese president's visit to Egypt came to revive the Silk Road, which linked the East to the West.

The Arabs and the Chinese people have have common goals to attain sustainable development and prosperity, he affirmed.

He also said tat the volume of trade exchange between the Arab side and China increased to 251 billion dollars in 2014, adding that this figure could be increased as the two countries have abundant opportunities in trade and investment spheres.

The Chinese side is well aware of the challenges besetting the region, he said, adding that the Arab countries are keen on fostering cooperation with China, especially in the Palestinian cause.

"All the Arab countries appreciate China's continued support to the Palestinian cause," he added.

He also said that Arab countries were seeking more support from China to find effective solutions through the UNSC for the Arab crises, topped by the Syrian and Yemeni crises along with the situation in Libya and terrorism.

Araby also affirmed that this visit will herald a new era of close cooperation between the Arab world and China in several aspects of cooperation.

Source: MENA