Austrian far-right: UK referendum strong signal EU needs to change

Presidential candidate Norbert Hofer, from the far-right and EU-sceptic Freedom Party, said referendum on UK's membership of the European Union is a strong signal that the union needs to change, the Local reported on Sunday.

He added that a Brexit will have dire consequences and could ultimately threaten the union's future existence.

”I believe the EU will survive the blow, but the consequences could be severe. The risk is that it triggers a chain reaction of EU-referenda in other member states. A Brexit could set off a potentially dangerous avalanche.”

At the other end of the scale, he fears an exit of the EU's bad boy could mean critical voices will more easily be drowned out and the status quo maintained in Brussels.

Hofer's vision for a well-functioning EU includes, among other things, the dismantling of the European bail-out fund, the ESM, and the provision to be able to kick weaker member states out of the Euro zone if they weigh too heavily on financial stability and the shared currency. A first priority, however, is to create a joint EU plan to secure the union's outer borders, distribute refugees fairly and stem the influx of migrants, says Hofer.

He agrees with the pro-Brexit side's argument that Britain will better be able to secure its borders if it leaves the union, but only because the EU's approach to the refugee crisis doesn't work.

Source: MENA