US Vice President Joe Biden will travel to Kiev on Tuesday April 22 to meet with government leaders and members of Ukraine's civil society. "The Vice President will underscore the United States' strong support for a united, democratic Ukraine that makes its own choices about its future path," said a statement released by the White House here Saturday evening. Biden will also speak with government officials on the international community's efforts to stabilize Ukraine's economy and "assist Ukraine in moving forward on constitutional reform, decentralization, anti-corruption efforts, and free and fair presidential elections on May 25th," noted the statement. The Vice President will discuss the developments out of eastern Ukraine where pro-Russian separatists continue their "orchestrated campaign of incitement and sabotage to destabilize the Ukrainian state," with alleged support from Moscow. He will also address the current steps to further Ukraine's energy security with officials. The statement indicated that Biden will meet with Ukrainian people to "hear their aspirations and deepen the partnership between the United States and Ukraine." The White House noted that more details on this trip will be given at a later date