Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang met with his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Rogozin, here Friday within the framework of the chairmen meeting of the joint commission for the regular meetings of Chinese and Russian prime ministers. Wang said his meeting with Rogozin was to implement the important consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries in Sochi and to make preparations for Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to China in May and a summit meeting in Shanghai. China and Russia have good political mutual trust, their economies are highly complementary, and they have similar regional development strategies, Wang said. So the two countries have best conditions for the deepening of pragmatic cooperation, Wang said. The two sides should expand cooperation in an innovative manner and carry forward big projects in aviation, space, nuclear energy, agriculture, cross-border infrastructure, he said. China is ready to actively engage in Russia's Far East development strategy, Wang said. Rogozin said Russia-China relations are at their best in history. Russia is willing to actively promote pragmatic cooperation, reinforce cooperation in big projects, and create favorable conditions for Chinese enterprises that would invest in Russia or would take part in the development of the Far East. During the meeting, the two sides spoke highly of the progress made in key projects such as the development of wide-body aircraft and reached consensus on the direction and mechanism of cooperation for Far East development. The two sides agreed to quicken the establishment of a special supervision group for cooperation projects of strategic significance and a agricultural subcommittee under the joint commission for the regular meetings of Chinese and Russian prime ministers. They also agreed to set in motion the drafting of regulations for China-Russia cooperation in agricultural investment.