Chinese State Council Deputy Premier arrived in Sudan

The Vice-Premier of China's State Council, Zhang Gaoli, arrived in Khartoum Friday on a two day state visit to the Sudan at the invitation of the First Vice President and National Prime Minister, Lt Gen Barki Hassan Salih.

The Chinese official who is heading a high level delegation was received at Khartoum airport by the First Vice President Gen Bakri and a number of ministers and high level officials.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Professor Ibrahim Ghandour, described in a statement at the airport the visit as a historic visit.

He said it has political, economic and cultural dimensions and that it comes within the context of the bilateral relations between the two countries which have now reached a strategic partnership stage, following the signing of the strategic partnership agreement between the heads of state of the two countries in Beijing, China, 2015
Ghandour said the two sides will hold official talks at the Republican Palace and that the Chinese ministers accompanying the Vice Premier will confer with their Sudanese counterparts to discuss several issues of mutual concern and interests and would sign number of framework agreements.

He said the visiting Chinese official will call on the President of the Republic Omar Bashir evening Friday.
