The Egyptian Foreign Ministry

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry changed its Facebook profile picture to the slogan of Egypt's First National Youth Conference that was held in Sharm el Sheikh on October 25 through 27 under the theme of "Innovate..Advance."

The action came within the framework of a two-day campaign launched by the ministry on Saturday to promote the outcome of the conference which was held under the aegis of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi who has declared 2016 the “year of Egyptian youth.” 
Within this context, the ministry wired on its page a video of the president's speech at the inauguration of the conference.

The ministry referred to the political axis of the conference, highlighting Sisi's formation of a youth committee to reconsider the jailed youth files.

The ministry also cited the president's decision to hold monthly meetings with youths to follow up the implementation of the conference's recommendations.
The president has also encouraged youths to participate in the coming municipal elections, the ministry said, noting that 29,000 youths have so far joined the program for qualifying youths to join local elections.

The ministry also underscored the message of peace which the president sent to the world during the marathon held on the fringe of the conference in which over 3,000 from different backgrounds took part.

Earlier Saturday, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said the promotion campaign is launched in English and Arabic languages under the theme of "Egypt's Youth Conference .. message to the world.

The campaign is meant to post the international community on the conference's main axes as well as it recommendations.

Within this context, Egyptian missions abroad will be entitled to expounding to foreign officials the conference's outcome and recommendations, he added.

Source: MENA