Member of Parliament (MP) Ahmad Fatfat said that the security situation is dangerous, demands awareness from all parties and need political measures not provocative ones. The MP warned that \"we are in the eye of the storm and we should mobilize all our capabilities\", wishing that those capabilities were used previously when they (March 14) demanded closing the borders, deploying the Lebanese Army over them and prohibiting armed people from crossing. Fatfat said that Lebanon was dragged into the current situation since Hizballah decided to directly indulge itself and the Lebanese in the Syrian war. Commenting on the threats of carrying out military operations in certain regions such as Arsal and Kalamoun, Fatfat explained that \"Akhbar\" newspaper has taken over its shoulders the responsibility of performing two duties, one is threatening certain political parties indirectly on behalf of Hizbullah and the other is making up files and slander certain regions and citizens to make them horrified. Talking about the cabinet issue, Fatfat said that President Sleiman and Prime Minister - designate Tammam Slam should have benefited from many occasions, of which the negative security development was one, to form a new cabinet based on Lebanon\'s interest.