Former french president Jacques Chirac has been rushed to hospital with a lung infection

Former French president Jacques Chirac, 83, was admitted to hospital on Sunday with a lung infection, his son-in-law was quoted by France 24 as saying.

Chirac, who led France from 1995 to 2007, was “hospitalised this morning at Pitie-Salpetriere (hospital in Paris) to be treated for a lung infection,” Frederic Salat-Baroux said, adding he would remain there “in the coming days.”

The popular ex-president had just returned from a visit to Morocco, Salat-Baroux added.

A source close to the former president confirmed that he was conscious.

Chirac, who served two terms as head of state, is probably best remembered internationally for his opposition to the US military intervention in Iraq in 2003.

Source: MENA