French Prime Minister Manuel Valls

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls started a western African tour in which he will visit Togo, Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire to promote bilateral relations in all areas and discuss anti terrorism efforts.

Valls is due to stay only 24 hours in every country, a source said.

In Togo, the tour's first stop, Valls will visit port of Lome that is administrated by a group of leading French companies.

In Ghana, Valls will meet with a number of officials and visit anti terrorism training camp.

In Cote d'Ivoire, The French PM will hold a meeting with French military officials stationed in "Port-Bouet" base, he will also visit a number of industrial facilities

In 2014, Vallas visited Chad and Niger. He visited Mali, Burkina Faso and Sengal in 2015.

The African tour takes place in a time when the terror threat is escalating in Sahel region and a strong trade competition faced by France there.

Source: MENA